Rachel brought an awesome Thanksgiving Activity:

We used recycled catalog cards to share our thoughts. After dinner we passed the pitcher, selected a card and read it aloud, giving everyone the opportunity to guess who had fashioned that particular sentiment. Sometimes it was difficult, sometimes easy. See how you do.
Thankful for:
- Lita providing us with the start of a Family Compound
- Nap
- Two Thanksgivings
- Jonathan
- 12/12/50
- That our wedding ran smoothly and that so many friends and family were able to come
- To be alive
- Such great friends
- My car
- Ham biscuits
- All of the new jobs in the family
- Good cooks in the family
- Such wonderful in-laws
- Having an awesome boyfriend who puts up with 3 cats and a very stressed out student teacher
- Baby Vassar and looking forward to meeting ... it? next year!
- My furry family that includes Gabe
- Going skydiving ... and being alive to tell the story
- New life in the family
- That our kids are not love-rejects, and that those who chose them are so awesome
- Dolly Dog
- Netflix
- My new computer
- (hope) (an ode to Christina Fisher)
- For my new nephew and my nieces and I'm thankful to have another niece or nephew on the way
- Family compound
- Free haircuts!
- The size of my family has doubled, but not my waist
- Bamboo
- Linus, an unexpected addition Xantha, and an even more unexpected addition baby Duke
- No one has dreadlocks in our family
- Lolladog
- Batman
- Kids & kids-n-law that are willing to live in vicinity with us
- Rachel and Ivan and the fish and the cats and the dinosaurs
- That Foo is still here
- 4 More Years!
- Auntie Lee who took me in when I was 18
- Being able to enjoy three amazing Thanksgiving Feasts
- Free haircuts!
- New house
- Thanksgiving
- Surviving 5th grade and Kindergarten (thus far ...)
- There is no bamboo in my yard and that I won't be a grandfather until I'm at least 62
- Cabin Home
- Oysters
- Tonia Bear
- Rachel's Thanksgiving Activity
- Next-door-in-laws