Sunday, June 21, 2009

Recycling (duh!)

We have been recycling in our house for almost twenty years. We haven't wanted to use a plastic bag to line the receptacle in the house, so we have just been using a brown paper grocery bag and then putting that in the collection bin for the every-other-week pick-up. Over the past several years we have been gradually switching to reusable eco-bags for our marketing. When our paper bags get low, we forgo the eco-bags and ask for paper at the market.

It suddenly occurred to one of us (the smart one) that we could just as easily use a stiff eco-bag in the house receptacle. That is what we are doing now for all of our house recycling. We just dump what we collect into the larger bins when the time comes, saving a little bit of paper each time. Wish we would have thought of that one sooner.


  1. Resource for finding local recycling centers - learn how to recycle and protect the environment at

  2. Thanks for the Dip Tip, Monty. This is a useful site. We have some electronic gear to get rid of and this saved us some time in finding a place close by.

  3. Thanks for the tip. I have a very small bag that I bought at Target for 1.00 that has the cover of Horton Hears a Who on it.I think it will serve as a very good trash bag for the car...also I buy "green" bags for Pauli's mess. Does the bag for the house trash get smelly, I am sure you compost, but how about the other "stuff"?

  4. Anything that goes into the recycle bag doesn't have any food on it (paper, cardboard, glass, aluminum, etc.), so that doesn't smell. All of our fruit and vegetable scraps go into a counter compost bucket that is emptied when it gets full. It has a replaceable filter that keeps the odors down. Ours is stainless steel and made by Endurance; you can find it sold lots of places on the Web. Things we can't compost go down the garbage disposal or the trash under the sink. If it is too smelly or too much of a temptation to the cat, it gets take out right away.
