so far the guitar and scratch vocals are in the can
and we’re set for Chris to lay down mandolin,
banjo, and electric guitar this evening.
we haven’t quite captured the space yet, but with
the recordings combined we feel it’ll start to take shape soon enough.
other sounds captured to our endless amusement:
cackling birds on Nearer My Father’s Wounded Side
Bugle the dog on A Hole in the Ground
though it’s taken us awhile to end up here, recording
in the cabin is especially meaningful for Antonia and me.
antonia’s grandmother bought the property when it was condemned–earning its name “Condemnation Plantation,” and restored it back to health.
Antonia and i made the cabin our home for the first four and a half years of our marriage. it’s in this house that all of the songs were written, and my 2008 demo recordings were scraped together.
And there are rumors that we can look forward to pictures at some time in the future.