Sunday, May 17, 2009

Leaves of three ...

I worked at the cabin yesterday, trying to push nature back. In an annual rite, I also played cat and mouse with poison ivy. Trying to identify it in the mass of green vines around the property is difficult for me. Antonia and Gabriel seem to have an internal radar detector; I seem to have an internal magnet. Whether you have to deal with it in your own yard or avoid it while out hiking, I found this video on helpful in pointing out its distinct characteristics. With so many vines growing in Virginia, it is often hard to distinguish poison ivy from other plants.

Too bad I didn't watch it before working outside. We'll see how lucky I was later in the week.


  1. Seems like you should know better by now.

  2. You would think I would at least look at this stuff BEFORE I do the gardening.

  3. Every time -- Dad goes into some obscure patch of the property and starts ripping up mystery plants, and then an hour later stops and looks for poison ivy. Every. Time.

    Or he could follow the example of his daughter, Ms. Never Been Afflicted With Poison Ivy (parents should really think before giving such long names) and look for poison ivy BEFORE venturing into the yard. But, you know. Whatever.
