Saturday, July 3, 2010

What He Didn't Say

... about Days 1 and 2 ...

Yes, the IcelandAir experience was wonderful. We particularly liked the headrest covers on the airplane: suede-like, designed by 66 Degrees North. I really wanted to "borrow" one.

My first glimpse of Iceland this time was better than in 2006. Although nearing midnight, it was light and not as overcast. We changed planes in Rekjavik, which gave us time to admire the beautiful airport architecture and to eat some delicious skyr. We eagerly watched a young man who was eating pylsur (lamb hotdog) and fries washed down by two beers. That's what we wanted, but we allowed common sense to prevail--for the first and possibly last time on this trip.

John already described the epic walk to our hotel in Montmartre, and how the realization that we might have an Eiffel Tower view grew on us. We did have an Eiffel view. But we also realized that most places in Paris do too. Our hotel was very charming and quirky--think Tabard Inn on a budget. The WC and shower were not only down the hall, they were down on the next floor, but that wasn't an inconvenience. Not when our hotel had a lovely interior garden, and was attached to a most wonderful restaurant and bar! It was also in a neighborhood with many great, moderately priced places to eat, and just a block and a half from the Metro.

At the Saint Pierre de Montmartre whom should we meet but Peter! A larger than life-size statue of the Rock in bronze, seated. You could rub his toe for good luck, and many people obviously had as it was well polished. We were delighted to find that the inscription on the statue read, "Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram..." a quote from one of the Durufle songs we are singing in concert! I wanted to take a picture, with my flash discreetly off, but Antonia wouldn't let me. So you'll just have to take my word for it.

It was an unusually hot day in Paris--blazing hot, I was dripping wet several times during the day, and it was not raining. Well, our room had many amenities, such as the aforementioned view, but it did not have AC. Our night's entertainment was as follows: John slept, Antonia and Darien used their fans, went to the window and leaned out to catch a breeze (many times), and Darien took a cold shower in the middle of the night. In the early morning a huge thunderstorm developed, it began pouring rain, and the temperature dropped from the mid 90's to the mid 70s.

So ended July 1 and 2.

1 comment:

  1. So who is going to write about Iceland and where are you now?
